50 “Women of Options” Commit to Raise $25,000 each for BC Youth in Need

As one of BC’s largest non-profit community organizations, Options Community Services is seeing a variety of unique and critical needs amongst local youth in the South Fraser area. Today, they launched their newest fundraising campaign: Women of Options 2022: Gamechangers, where fifty local women have come together and are committing to raise $25,000 each for a youth discretionary fund. These amazing women are a mix of senior executives, impressive volunteers, celebrities, and leaders in their communities.

50 local women have come together and are committing to raise $25,000 each for a youth discretionary fund.

Urgent youth needs that Options team members are seeing include paying for clothing or dental work so youth can attend a job interview with pride, covering daycare or tuition costs for a young mother to complete an educational program, getting endangered youth to a safe place, and addressing urgent issues faced by youth who have aged out of the child welfare system and lost their supports.

“We see youth needing our help to purchase clothing for a mother’s funeral or a young person who needs immediate re-location and support to escape the threat of a gang. Our government funding is vital but youth needs are increasing and require immediate action and financial resources. This new fund will help to support at-risk youth with what they need, when they need it.” – Christine Mohr, CEO, Options Community Services.

The Women of Options 2022: Gamechangers fund will remove barriers by providing critical funding to work with youth from a wide range of backgrounds, including newcomers, unemployed, street entrenched, pregnant and parenting, those affiliated with gangs, those seeking their high school diplomas, and others. Options Community Services supported approximately 3,500 youth in their last fiscal year, although this number does not include all of the youth as some fall under programs not included in this data collection.

The fifty women fundraising for youth are a mix of local leaders, including property management and land development professional Jen Temple.

“Our youth need support and I am passionate about being part of the solution. I could not imagine my daughter without basic needs and supports and I’m honored to use my network and skills to help to raise funds.” – Jen Temple, CFO, Trademark Group of Companies.

In addition to these fifty women, three Langley Tim Hortons restaurants will also be supporting the cause as part of the Tim Horton’s annual Smile Cookie campaign. Local corporate partners Fifth Avenue Marketing and Bullets ‘n’ Beads (a Veteran owned and operated jewelry brand that utilizes real previously fired bullet and bullet casings, Swarovski crystals and semi precious stones to create small batch limited release pieces) will also be donating to the cause.

The Options team is impressed and honoured by the commitment and passion that fifty local women bring to the cause to create vital change and opportunity for youth-at risk. For more information, visit: womenofoptions2022.ca to see the full list of women and learn more about the program and how you can support.


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