It’s the first day of Spring, and mother nature finally got the memo to give us some better weather in Vancouver. But does the inside of your home match Vancouver’s promising Spring vibe? If not, read on for five easy ways on how to brighten up and get your home ready for Spring:

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers
It’s amazing how fresh flowers can instantly brighten up a small apartment. No need to go crazy with a big bouquet – sometimes the simplicity of a bunch of tulips gives off that ‘fresh picked’ vibe better than an elaborate bouquet. As an alternative, try succulents instead (they’ll last longer) and re-pot in a colourful pot or put on a patterned plate.
The Scent of Spring
If you use anything in your home which gives off a scent – handsoap, candles or scent diffusers, replace traditionally ‘winter scents’ like pine or cinnamon, with fresh Spring scents. Try airy floral fragrances like freesia, water lily or jasmine, or fruity scents like green apple or tangerine.
Spring on the Tabletop
Shop for seasonal home accessories and add a splash of Spring colour to your tabletop. We just had a sneak peek at the spring Home Collection from Real Canadian Superstore and love how bright, tropical patterns can instantly put you in a sunny mood. Look for exotic palm leaf and flamingo patterns on plates and napkins, pineapple jars, and gold-rimmed tumblers and carafes.
Spring in the Kitchen
Shop for fresh greens and replace your hearty winter stews with slaws, smoothies, and salads. The PC Vanilla Kefir Probiotic Yogurt is a good base for smoothies. Top with your favourite fruits, seeds, and nuts for an easy smoothie bowl. Too lazy to chop up veggies? The PC Insiders Collection has a ready-to-eat PC Beet Slaw mix (a crunchy blend of shredded broccoli and carrots, green cabbage, kale and beets) which is super convenient for the days when you just don’t have time to prepare lunch from scratch.
Prepare for Spring Showers
Inevitably, Spring showers are still in Vancouver’s weather forecast. Replace the solid and heavy winter boots in your closet with low cut or patterened rainboots instead. Or, get a bright coloured umbrella – like this one from Joe Fresh – to shield you from the rain, while reminding you that the brightness of Spring is on its way.