Harvest Haus German Festival will be returning for its third year to Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza in Downtown Vancouver from September 29 to October 1 and October 7 to 9, 2016.
Over the course of two weekends, QE Theatre Plaza will be transformed into the West Coast’s largest Germanic-inspired cultural harvest festival, welcoming 1,200 revelers to nine seatings under the great Harvest Haus Halle tent.
Beginning with a theatrical keg tapping by the Harvest Haus Bürgermeister, each four-and-a-half-hour event boasts a fully immersive atmosphere complete with medieval tomfoolery, swashbuckling swordplay by Academie Duello, live Bavarian brass oompah and favourite party hits by Vancouver’s “Oktoberators” on the central stage and the return of internationally renowned DJ Erick Decks from Frankfurt, Germany.
Guests will also enjoy European beers in authentic ceramic Bierkrug (steins) and specialty German wines at communal long tables. After working up an appetite on the dance floor or in the games room with giant Jenga or darts, everyone is invited to tuck into traditional Oktoberfest delicacies such as Spätzle, Brezen, Bratwürst, Schnitzel and Sauerkraut in the open-air Marktplatz (marketplace).
General Admission and VIP tickets range from $25 to $50 and are available online at: harvesthaus.com. Partial proceeds to benefit Sole Food Street Farms’ transformation of vacant urban land into artisan-quality growing plots.