bedface dream in colour

Dream in Colour with Mix-and-Match Bedsheets from Vancouver’s bedface

Encouraging its customers to “Dream in Colour”, bedface is a Vancouver-based e-commerce company which sells colourful bedsheet sets. Shoppers can pick from pre-ensembled coloured sets, or pick the “Make Your Bed” option to design their own sheet set combination from 24 different colours.

Modern Mix Vancouver had the opportunity to try out the bedface experience (from picking our sheet colours online, to sleeping in our new sheets) and picked out a “Super Sleep Set“, which includes a duvet cover, a flat sheet, a fitted sheet and a set of 2 pillow cases.

When shopping online, half the colours displayed weren’t actually available in certain pieces.  You can tell because there’s a “SOLD OUT” label on top of the colour thumbnails.  This is concerning given that bedface’s main differentiation is to offer its customers a wide selection of colour options for bedsheets!  But perhaps as a fairly new company starting out, they are still managing their inventory and balancing supply and demand – hopefully they replenish their stock soon, because their colour options are getting quite slim.

When you select different colours on the “Make Your Bed” option, the bed rendering changes colour to match what you have selected. I didn’t feel like the colour swatches and the graphic renderings are an accurate representation of what the bedsheet colours are actually like in real life.  They are graphic renderings, not actual photographs.  I ended up going through bedface’s Instagram feed, and the rest of their website, for real photographs, which gave a much more accurate representation of what the colours look like.  The colours in real life, look way better than the swatches of colour displayed online.

bedface screenshot

I went with a grey duvet, fitted sheet and pillow cases, and a pop of powder pink for my flatsheet.  The delivery of the bedface bedsheets was very quick.  I received them in less than a week.  When you buy bedsheets in a store, they come neatly wrapped and packaged, however, bedface’s package were put directly in the box with no packaging or wrapping.  The initial presentation of sheets was actually quite wrinkly, like they had just tumbled out from the dryer. I didn’t get that “fresh new bedsheets” impression when I first opened the box.  Needless to say (as we do with any bed accessories), we washed the sheets before putting them on the bed.

The sheets are a bit stiff to begin with, but they are very durable.  I have an unusually thick mattress, so I’ve had problems in the past with my fitted sheets ripping in the corners when I’m making my bed.  bedface sheets are certainly more tough and durable than other sheets I’ve tried in the past.

bedface has a 100 night guarantee for their sheets, which is always a comfort when shopping online.  So, if for some reason, the colour that arrives isn’t quite what you are looking for, or the sleep experience is not as comfortable as you imagined, you can try out your new bedsheets for nearly three months, and can still return them for a full refund.

Overall, I’m happy with the actual bedface product, but as the company expands, I think there are some definite improvements that can be made to the online experience and inventory stock.  I would suggest waiting to shop, or only shop for select pieces rather than an entire set, until after bedface replenishes their stock online.

For more information about bedface, visit:


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