On November 25, support the Empty Bowls Project by purchasing a beautiful ceramic bowl, and help fill the bowls of those who need it the most.
In support of fighting hunger in our communities, the Empty Bowls Project is an annual global fundraiser, with 2015 being the first time it’s happening in Vancouver. From 6pm onwards on Wednesday November 25th, a ceramic bowl sale will be happening at 2190 Main Street (at the Cartems Donuterie space)to benefit the Backpack Buddies Program, an organization which supports hungry children in the Vancouver community.
Many students in Vancouver’s inner city schools rely heavily on free or reduced price breakfast and lunch programs during the school week. However, “hunger doesn’t take the weekend off” and these same kids go home to meager or no meals on the weekend. It is proven that without adequate nutrition, kids have difficulty learning and are at risk of developing serious health conditions. Backpack Buddies was formed to fundraise, hold food drives, and pack backpacks full of food, delivered by community volunteers, to feed kids throughout the weekend.
For more information about the Empty Bowls fundraiser, visit: emptybowlsvancouver.com.