Barkbox is a subscription service for … you guessed it – dogs! When you sign up for BarkBox, every month you will receive a box in the mail with four or more carefully selected products and presents for your dog – anything from toys, bones and all-natural treats to hygiene products and innovative new gadgets. My little Teddy Bear got his first one this month and had a fun time exploring all the goodies which came inside.
- Bocce’s Bakery Biscuits – all-natural, presevative and chemical free doggy biscuits which are baked by hand in small batches. We received the “Green Juice” flavour this month which has green, healthy ingredients like spinach, kale, sweet apples, spirulina, flax seeds and mint.
- Orbee-Tuff Strawberry with Treat Spot – a cute rubber strawberry with a hole inside for stuffing treats. Teddy played with this for more than an hour after his bedtime (err…after my bedtime, which I suppose is also his bedtime). He was pawing away at the toy, and sniffing at it, and chasing it around as the bounced away. Reminds me of a Kong toy, but cuter and bouncier. I loved how this toy was interactive; Teddy doesn’t play unless there are treats involved so this was the perfect toy for him.
- Grill-icious Beef chews – Inspired by summer weather meals like BBQing on the grill, these treats are made of 100% all-natural “flame-kissed” meats with no additives or preservatives.
- Barkworthies chews/bullies – great for chewing and gnawing, Barkbox says these are a customer favourite. Another toy to keep Teddy Bear happily entertained.
Barkbox was founded in New York but is very much available to us up here in Vancouver. Plans begin at $29/month + shipping, but can be as low as $19/month (free shipping) with a 6-month subscription. Get $5 off your first subscription to Barkbox, click here.