Diner en Blanc Vancouver 2017

EVENT: Le Dîner en Blanc Pop-Up Dinner Returns to Vancouver August 24

Launched in Paris in 1988 by François Pasquier and a handful of friends, Le Dîner en Blanc has become a worldwide epicurean phenomenon. Le Dîner en Blanc – Paris now attracts over 10,000 people each year. What was a “friends and word-of-mouth only” event has grown into an international sensation celebrated on six continents.

This summer, on August 24th, hundreds of Vancouverites dressed in white will descend on a landmark public space with everything they need for an elegant soirée including: folding table and chairs, gourmet picnic food, fine china, silverware, and tablecloth.  Instead of one secret location, the 2017 edition of #DEBVan will be orchestrated at two venues, location to be announced only hours before the dinner begins.  Over the course of the evening, the guests eat and celebrate amid live music and dancing. Many spend weeks in advance planning their menus and the white ensemble.

“This year we wanted to take our Vancouver event back to its roots in more ways than one. Vancouver will be the first city outside of Paris to host this glamourous event at dual locations. We’ve also put a strong focus on implementing magical acoustic music, creative dance, art galleries and fun pop-up features throughout both venues. We’re more excited than ever for the sixth annual Le Dîner en Blanc to kick off.  – Tyson Villeneuve, co-founder of event organizer The Social Concierge.

Participation to this unique event happens in three stages: Phase 1 is for members who attended the previous year; Phase 2 is for new members who are referred by Phase I attendees; and Phase 3 is for people who signed up on the waiting list. For those looking to sign up for Phase 3, registration is now open at vancouver.dinerenblanc.com/register.

For more information about this one of a kind event, visit: https://vancouver.dinerenblanc.com.


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